Category: Stock Accident
Quant Mutual Fund Holding !!
Quant Mutual fund is in news and we thought it would be good to see which all stocks are in Quant Mutual Fund Monthly Holding. [Read More…]
Yes Bank share this Big Event will Change everything !! Only if Yes Bank do this !!
Yes Bank which is trading at 22.8 (on 28th May) has made a recent high of 32 in Feb and 28 in April is facing [Read More…]
Astral Limited Declined by 11% from high after Reporting Drop in Margin !!
Producer manufacturing company Astral dropped after announcing drop in its margin on YoY basis. It seems to be following a trend line which might can [Read More…]
Delta Corp stock that is down by over 50% from its 52-week high !!
When investors talks about some of the stocks that have disappointed them the most Delta Corp is one of the company that top the chart, [Read More…]